crsbg news -pg电子官方


china pure steel frog production line pu

from: crsbg hits: date: 2024-04-11


on april 11, china's largest and most advanced pure steel road frog production line was officially put into operation in crsbg. after putting into operation, the annual production capacity will reach 15,000 high manganese steel frog, which is 20% higher than the production capacity before the production line is put into operation, and will further enhance the market share and environmental protection to reach the level of national environmental protection performance b or above.

pure steel, also known as high manganese steel, has more manganese and carbon content than ordinary steel, and has strict requirements for the control of inclusions in steel, including non-metals, so the hardness and toughness are higher. under severe impact or contact stress, the surface of the pure steel will quickly harden, while the core still maintains a strong toughness, which is hard and tough, both wear and impact resistance, can maximize the safety of the train.

a frog is a piece of equipment that allows wheels to pass from one strand of rail to another. it requires a material that resists both wear and impact, and pure steel meets this requirement.

the new production line will change the traditional and backward smelting process and production mode of the current domestic high manganese steel integral casting frog, reverse the situation that china lags behind the world's advanced standards in the standard specification of the integrated casting frog of high manganese steel, and boost the "going out" of the integrated casting frog of high manganese steel in china.
