crsbg news -pg电子官方


the world's most outstanding bridge, the

from: crsbg hits: date: 2023-09-01

at 20:00 (beijing time) on june 8, the 2021 international bridge conference (ibc) award ceremony was held online in the united states. three bridges from china were awarded the george s. richardson medal for husutong yangtze river railway bridge, gustav lindenthal medal for pingtang bridge in guizhou, and the theodore cooper medal (railroad bridge medal) for cuijiaying hanjiang river bridge in wuhan-shiyan railway, among the three bridge, the husutong yangtze river railway bridge and guizhou pingtang bridge, which were jointly built by crsbg, were awarded.


the award of the international bridge congress was established in 1988, known as the "nobel prize" of the bridge industry, and is selected once a year. ibc international bridge conference is an international bridge academic conference with a high reputation hosted by the western pennsylvania engineers association, and has a high influence in the world bridge community. according to statistics, a total of 13 large bridges in crsbg have won this international honor.


the shanghai-suzhou-nantong yangtze river railway bridge won the  george s. richardson medal. the  george s. richardson medal, the earliest and most influential award established by the international bridge association, is awarded to a recently completed project that has made outstanding achievements in the design, construction and scientific research of bridge engineering in the world.


the main channel bridge of husutong yangtze river bridge is a cable-stayed bridge with two towers and steel truss-beams, with a total length of 2,299.6 meters and a main span of 1,092 meters, making it the world's first dual-purpose bridge with a span of more than kilometers. the main tower, 325 meters high, is the world's highest dual-purpose cable-stayed bridge main tower; the world's largest deadweight bridge, equivalent to six sutong bridges; the amount of steel used in bridge construction is the largest in the world, and the total weight of steel structure is about 480,000 tons. the first high-strength steel used in the construction of bridges in the world, 500 mpa steel has been successfully applied to bridges.


pingtang bridge in guizhou won the gustav lindenthal medal. gustav lindenthal medal is awarded for outstanding achievements in harmony with the environment, aesthetics and social engagement.


pingtang bridge is a control project of pingtang-luodian expressway, with a total length of 2135 meters and a bridge floor width of 30.2 meters. it is a three-tower double-cable superposition beam cable-stayed bridge. the height of the three bridge towers is 320 meters, 332 meters and 298 meters, which is equivalent to building three 100-story high buildings in the canyon, and is the world's highest concrete bridge tower, known as "the highest and most beautiful sky bridge". pingtang great bridge is another landmark project on the yunnan-guizhou plateau after the world's highest bridge beipanjiang bridge, which was built by crsbg too.

crsbg participated in the construction of these bridges won the international award

george s. richardson medal (7)

shanghai-suzhou-nantong yangtze river rail-cum-road bridge, 2021

yangsigang yangtze river bridge, 2020

jiaozhou bay bridge, 2013

stonecutters bridge, hong kong, 2011

nanjing dashengguan yangtze river bridge, 2011

wuhan tianxingzhou yangtze river bridge, 2010

sutong bridge, 2008

gustav lindenthal medal (4)

pingtang bridge,  2021

beipanjiang first bridge, 2018

jiashao bridge,  2016

nanjing no.3 yangtze river bridge,  2007

award of merit (1)

mega bridge projects,hong kong-zhuhai-macao bridge,  2020

theodore cooper medal (railroad bridge medal) (1)

nanjing yangtze river bridge,  2020
